These new how-to manuals cover blogs, rss feeds, websites, and article marketing in easy-to-understand language. There's no geek speak and no tech talk. See how easy it is to fully optimize and customize your blog and include rss feeds, so readers are automatically notified when you make a new post.
The website book fully prepares you to be a website owner and has three printable worksheets to help you design a site that really works for you and helps promote your product.
It's a proven fact that article marketing drives readers to your sites. The articles book gets you set up and going with all the major article directories and includes tips and tricks to organize an effective article marketing campaign.
The interview airs this Friday on Writers in the Sky Podcast. Get the skinny on what you need to know without all the tech talk.
Love Yvonne Perry Writers in the Sky. Her podcast made me aware how much I need your books. They are definitely on my to-buy list of books. Thank you
Jo Ann Hernandez
Hi Jo Ann, glad you enjoyed the interview. The books are being updated with the latest changes made by Google to Feedburner. Getting the drafts in early next week. The books should be available the week of Feb. 9. Please check back on this blog or subscribe to the RSS Feed for updates.
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