Advance copies are being sent to select marketing gurus who will be collaborating with Just the FAQs to help you with all of your online marketing needs. Look for announcements of upcoming teleclasses where you'll be able to get answers to questions on blogs, feeds, Web sites, and article marketing to take your book to the next level.
Just the FAQs eBooks include the latest changes to Feedburner by Google. The Blogs and RSS Feeds eBooks eliminate the learning curve and take you step-by-step through each process to get your online presence up and running. The Web Sites eBook fully prepares you to be a site owner and contains three printable worksheets to help you create a site that really works for you and gets you noticed. The Articles eBook helps you get setup with all the major article directories and has multiple tips and tricks for running a smooth article campaign that gets results.
Subscribe to the RSS feed by email or in a reader to be the first to know when Just the FAQs eBooks become available on February 9th.
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