Cisco issued that report just one day after Apple announced that their next iPhone will be able to not only record video clips, but will also be able to edit and send them via email or upload them to YouTube using voice commands.
What this means is that it will no longer be enough to provide great text content for online marketing. As a promoter, you'll have to make it visually entertaining as well. Fortunately there are a lot of free or inexpensive applications available that you can use to make your own videos. In fact, if you're on a PC, Windows Media is already available to you. There are even more programs available for MAC users.
You say you don't have the money for a slick, high-budget production? No problem. Folk-style video is so common that even the most reasonable efforts to make it a quality production will stand out. And, there's another perk to making your own videos. They will have a genuineness and sincerity factor that high-budget productions can't match.
Do you already make your own videos? Share your set up and tips by leaving a comment.
I have an advantage over most because i fell into making industrial videos 20 years ago . . . used to use pro crews, but budgets shrank and pro-sumer equipment got amazing, so, here is my setup:
1) for camera, i happen to use an old sony handicam trv-38 (i bought 2 of them new on ebay for $200 each) but the choices are of course endlessly upgrading. You'll also need a tripod, mine is very basic, cost $100.
2) if you want to really give yourself a technical lift, get a decent wireless lav (lavalier) microphone. good audio makes a huge difference. I bought a very nice wireless mike from my local camera store, a sony, for $500.00. there are cheaper but you get what you pay for.
lights: i also spent $700 on a westcott "spiderlight", a basic softlight. this too will give you a huge boost over an unlit video (aka "working with available light").
editing software programs abound but i happen to use adobe premiere 6.5. you can see this setup in action in this promo:
I shot this in my living room. the lighting is fairly bland and flat but it is more than adequate, and the audio is solid.
editing is a big learning curve, but is also fun and a good skill to have if you are promo-ing anything. and don't overlook calling your local video production house for a low budget show, they'd be glad to talk to you. - jl
Justin, thanks for sharing your setup. If folks want to break into video producing, they can do so with very little investment and then upgrade as they go to a better setup, like you've detailed here.
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